In the event that our school has to close due to weather conditions please feel free to use this pack of learning materials.
* Write your sounds and alphabet (upper- and lower-case letters) in the snow, saying the sound and the name of the letter as you write.
* Get an adult to help you keep a diary of what you do during your day.
* Read a story of your choice with a family member or friend.
Numeracy and Maths
* Number spot-collect numbers around the house. Look on food packets, television, magazines, etc. What is the biggest number you can find? Using the numbers, can you make up your own addition and/or subtraction sums?
* Try building a snow den. How high can you make it?
* Try making a cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere and cone shape using snow.
* Count any coins you have in your home.
* Practise your oral counting to 100 or beyond. How high can you count?
* Access Sumdog/TopMarks on your computer or tablet like you do in school. You will need to remember your username and password for Sumdog. Spend some time working on this.
* Draw what you can see out of the window using any art materials you are allowed to use.
* Create a winter superhero. Draw this superhero and get some help from a grown up to write about an adventure your superhero had.