Winter Weather School Closure Learning Pack – Primary 1

In the event that our school has to close due to weather conditions please feel free to use this pack of learning materials.



* Write your sounds and alphabet (lower case letters) in the snow, saying the sound as you write.

* Keep a diary of what you do during your day, get an adult to help you.

* Read a story of your choice with a family member or friend. Can you find any of our common words in your book?

Numeracy and Maths

* Write your numbers in the snow.

* Build a snowman bigger than you and smaller than you. Count the objects you put on your snowman.

* Sort out any coins found in your house. Count the 1ps and £1 coins.

* Practise your oral counting.

* Access Sumdog/Topmarks on your computer or tablet like you do in school. You will need to remember your username and password for Sumdog. Spend some time working on this.


* Draw what you can see out of the window using any art materials you are allowed to use.

* Create a winter superhero. Draw this superhero and get some help from a grown up to write about an adventure your superhero had.