Room 5 – Primary 7

Room 5 (1)Maths and Numeracy

In Numeracy and Maths we are really enjoying Big Maths in place of our interactive mental maths activities. The music that goes along with it is really motivating and gets us ready in the morning. This has supported us with our decimal work and with multiplying 2 digit numbers by single digit numbers. We have been working on our Learn-its and are becoming quicker with our recall of the tables. In addition to this groups have been working on fractions, decimals & percentages and algebra – which we have found challenging but enjoyable. Next, we will be working on time and measurement.

Literacy and English

In Literacy and English we are thoroughly enjoying Writer’s Craft as we are able to analyse the author’s style and tone to engage the reader. Our challenge is to continue the story so that it would read like the same author was writing the story – sometimes we find this hard as we each have our own specific writing style. We continue to enjoy reciprocal reading and like that we can discuss our class novel, Divided City, with our peers. We are thoroughly enjoying this class novel as it raises a number of social issues which we have engaged in discussion with. We really liked the opening chapter and felt it really drew us into the world creating a convincing setting and enticing atmosphere – we just want to keep reading! Next in Literacy we will be working on our transition piece, Me as a Learner, which reflects on our skills and strengths as a learner.

Health and Wellbeing

We are currently working on our Developing the Young Workforce topic in Health and Wellbeing. We are lucky to have some very busy parents who are coming in to share the skills and knowledge they need for their job. We have also been using the website, My World of Work where we responded to a Myers Brigg type test where we found out which animal we were in the Animal Me test. We really enjoyed this and found that it did reflect the skills we believe we possess. We will be continuing this further in creating our own CVs and researching jobs we would like to have in the future.

We were fortunate to be visited by nurses from the University of the West of Scotland who talked to us about Dementia through the eyes of the child. They followed up with four workshops which we found engaging and very worthwhile. It has increased our awareness of this devastating disease.